Practical Steps Devs Can Take to Make Test Automation Easier For Testers
There are a variety of practical steps developers can take to help developers and increase a team’s overall velocity. Let’s review some velocity-increasing ideas! Include the tester in feature development meetings Assign testers early in the development cycle Include testing in your estimation Have developers code for easy testing There are a variety of simple, […]
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How to Create a Search Script for Load Testing
Many websites offer a search capability. Whether the search is a product search, a search for site-specific data or a website find-my-page search, this functionality is typically highly visible. Search capabilities generally rely on specific back-end components that have distinct scaling properties verses most other parts of a website. For example, a full-text search […]
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The Dev / Tester Relationship
Companies are looking for an edge–a way to reliably out-compete their competitors over time. In business, an edge might come from being more efficient, more agile, or keeping a faster pace. In software development, better processes have the potential to be a competitive edge. For web development, one potential edge can come from improving the […]
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How to Load Test a Website with Authentication
Load testing a website with authentication takes more thought than testing a simple static website, or even an API. When a login is triggered in a web application, more happens behind the scenes than during simpler requests. To load test properly, we need to make sure our test is realistic, and correctly stresses the infrastructure that supports the login process.
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Why is Load Testing Important?
Load testing is a fundamental component of the overall process of performance testing your web application. What makes it so important, and what are the benefits of load testing? 1. Reduce the Risk of Outages Load testing reduces the risk of outages by identifying potential performance issues before they cause problems in production. By […]
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Types of Web Application Load Tests
There are a number of different common types of load tests. They each serve different purposes, and vet different capabilities. Real-World Concurrency Test A Real-World Concurrency test simulates normal production-like usage and determines the application’s scalability. This test is probably the single most important test for vetting a site’s capabilities. Purpose: Vets the application for […]
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Quick Load Testing Survey
We’ve put together a new load testing survey. If you have a moment, we’d love to hear from you, and would greatly appreciate your feedback! >> Take our quick survey >>
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Announcing Our Load Test Scripting Series
We’re starting a Load Test Scripting series where we’ll cover common areas of site functionality, how to properly script them, and considerations for each type of script. We’ll be focusing on common functionality like authentication, product search, purchase, chat, and more. The posts will be tool-agnostic and focus on doing things right rather than any […]
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Website Testing QA Link Roundup
Here is a roundup of a few QA testing-related links we’ve picked up in our travels. 40+ Free software testing e-books Big list of naughty strings for testing input data Google Testing Blog: Just say No to more end-to-end Tests Top Browser Extensions For Testing Software – Ministry of Testing Is QA Dead? — ThoughtWorks […]
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Estimating Concurrent Users for Load Testing With Google Analytics
Google Analytics data can help you figure out how many users your load test should be targeting. By using real world data to design your load test scenarios, you can deliver results that are realistic, accurate, and meaningful.
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