BrowserUp can run tests locally using Docker, and in the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Deploying and running a load test in the cloud is very similar to running a local test from the BrowserUp Command Line. The main difference is just that you’ll configure your AWS credentials, and set cluster_type: aws.
Install Amazon AWS CLI and configure a user with the required AWS credentials
BrowserUp requires that you have an AWS user with these IAM permissions:
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- AmazonRoute53FullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- IAMFullAccess
- AmazonVPCFullAccess
Step 1 - Configure AWS credentials
The BrowserUp AWS credentials work via the AWS Command Line client, and are configured in the same manner, by exporting the environment variables:
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
Step 2 - Remote Cluster
In your test’s browserup.load.yaml, set it to cluster_type: aws
cluster_type: aws
That’s it! Run your test using the usual command line instructions and you have a scalable load test in the cloud!